The Accessibility Services team has over 30 years’ collective experience and a passion for supporting organisations to become accessible. The team provides guidance every step of your accessibility journey – helping you engage with stakeholders including staff, customers, suppliers and investors.

Our team comprises of Consultants, Trainers, Technical Specialists and Assessors with a range of specialist accessibility skills and experience.

When considering digital accessibility it’s worth considering that whilst automated testing tools are a great way to provide an indication of accessibility issues, they are limited and provide no substitute for expert, personal interpretation.

Our in-house Digital Testing Team has first-hand experience of disability and assistive technology and brings a unique perspective, both personally and professionally.

Assessors complete testing using their specialist skills, unique experiences and assistive technology to identify any issues faced, thereby giving organisations a true and thorough account of the accessibility of their digital platforms.

This invaluable insight combined with expert guidance, helps our customers to deliver the most accessible solutions possible time and time again.

Accessibility made simple by experts.