Accessibility Assessor: Screen Reader
Blynyddoedd gyda Shaw
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I lost my sight when I was 29 through diabetes.
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Horse riding instructor.
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I am proud to be part of the accessibility team, knowing that the work I do assessing websites to be accessible to other screen reader users, will benefit them. In addition, also assisting clients that recognise the benefit of having their sites accessible.
Pam mae hygyrchedd yn cyfrif?
The internet is a great way of gaining knowledge, getting information and buying products and therefore should allow a Screen Reader User to be equally informed and able to access all information and the option to buy - the same as anyone else. Without these changes, some sites will not give these opportunities.
Sut bydd cleientiaid yn elwa o'ch cyfraniad?
The clients that we work for benefit from our assessments to allow a more diverse visitor to their site; from my point of view to be accessible for people who use Screen Reader software. This, in turn, will keep that person using the client’s site, giving them a greater visitor rate.
Alan’s role in the team is as a screen reader assessor, using JAWS and other Screen Reader software to look for descriptive alternatives for graphics and clearly labelled form fields.
Alan will also check that tasks or user journeys can be completed by customers who are Visually Impaired. For example, shopping online, adding products to a basket, viewing the basket and most importantly checking out.
Alan then compiles his findings on a script, informing the client of any barriers he may have accessing the site, along with good comments, for the client to carry on using.
Alan says: “the job is very rewarding, knowing that companies’ websites are coming forward to be assessed and along with the changes, will allow Visually Impaired People to access websites and be inclusive and independent.”